2019.02.14 [考え事] consideration on how to be more productive


It’s my pleasure to receive this award following great achievements by Guo-Yuan and Honda-kun. I am pretty sure that I could not advance my studies without your many suggestions.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you, especially for Miyoshi-san. I really enjoy researches here in the last 5 years. I also need to express my thanks to Terasaki-san, Otsuka-san, Kondo-san, and Guo-Yuan since you taught me a lot including technical issues when I knew almost nothing about NWP.

I am still young and, of course, have many things to learn from you. However, let me share what I have been thinking about “how to be more productive” for this opportunity. They may help you a bit.

The first idea is “to handwrite a skelton in advance before starting experiments”. I have many experiences that I had no idea how to write a paper in front of many interesting results. Providing strong and understandable logic is very important to publish papers. “Handwriting skeltons” means “to think about the logical story of paper” and “to clarify necessary results to support the logic”. Of course, we often meet results beyond our expectations. However, “to handwrite a skelton” potentially reduce time-consuming unnecessary experiments.

The second idea is “to utilize my presentations effectively”. In Japanese, I say “他人の頭を使って考える”. Excellent papers always provide deep discussions. Such papers describe implications, generality, and limitations by reviewing their results from various aspects. Providing deeper discussions can be the closest way to make manuscript convincible. I tried to present not only good results that I am convinced, but also wonder that I have not figured out. Consequently, question/suggestions/comments helped to deepen discussions of papers.

I do not say “being productive in terms of writing papers” is equivalent to “being an excellent scientist”. However, thinking about how to write papers would enhance productivity, at least in this present era.

If you have any further ideas/considerations, I would be really happy to learn from you. Again, thank you all for your helps.

  • kotsuking
  • 関東の某国立大学、教授。他に、JST・さきがけ研究員、理研・客員研究員、気象予報士。京都大学大学院で博士(工学)を取得。


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